Welcome to the runLawrence web site.
Photo of start of 2008 Pyscho Wyco. Photo of Coco Tieghi.

(Dick Ross photos)

Meeting Minutes, Feb 3, 2008

4:00 p.m.
LMH Conference Room
In attendance: Ellen Young, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck, Steve Riley, Lori Cackler, Don Cackler, Janet Huchingson, John Huchingson and Ed Payne

1. Treasurer's report: The current balance is $5559.22 with $5353.22 available. John will fill out the paperwork at the bank to be on the account as well as change the address there to his. He will probably need to be accompanied by a current authorized signer.

2. Membership renewals: Gene distributed the current list. Ed renewed at the meeting. The cost is $20.00 for a single membership and $25.00 for a family.
2.1 Ideas for needed club equipment: the club members present discussed the use of the clock and sources of sounding the start for runners.

3. Dam Run
3.1 We are committed to assisting the City of Lawrence with this race.
3.2 Volunteers are needed; Ed, Dee, Steve and Ellen would like to help as well as Karen B. (not present). Don and Lori are tentative volunteers. Four or five more people are needed. Someone will contact Karen H. to see if she is available. Members who have not assisted with a run in the past are encouraged to volunteer.
3.3 The run is scheduled for 03/29/08

4. Thanksgiving Day Run, 2007 and 2008: Dee
4.1 The tee shirts have been distributed to all but two volunteers. Ed was unable to locate his-Dee had placed it on his front porch.
4.2 The 2008 run will be at the Visitors Center. The members discussed revamping the layout inside the Visitor's Center, possible use of Woodlawn School, Cost of the shirts as compared to the entry fee (17.00/20.00), alternative runner promotions e.g. cotton tee, ear cover, headband or gloves. The Cliffhanger's unique shirt graphic was mentioned as a positive incentive. The group decided that the efficiency of the run and results processes bring more people back than the shirts.
4.3 Dee would like to have more help obtaining sponsor commitments; should there be a deadline for that? Dee said a September deadline would be best.

5. Lawrence Half Marathon: Steve reported the city arrangements are coming along well.
5.1 Volunteers are needed; Health Care Access is coordinating them. Gene will make a note to that effect on the website.
5.2 400 traffic cones have been purchased. The cost to sponsor one is $5.25. Sponsors can decorate their cone(s).
5.3 Tables are needed
5.4 Porta-johns can be decorated by sponsors as well. Dee moved (no pun intended) and Janet seconded (again, no pun) to have runLawrence (this gets funnier by the minute) sponsor and decorate one. Dee will "chair" the decorating committee and send the donation to Steve.
5.5 Can runLawrence put out an announcement-see 5.1.
5.6 Entry forms will be available.

6. Market-to-Market Relay: Gene announced this will occur October 11, 2008. It is an 86-mile Omaha to Lincoln team relay with 24 exchange points. He said teams of 6-8 people would participate.

7. Adding/Not adding new sponsored events. There is a RCA article on the website that includes written guidelines for runLawrence to sanction an event and use the club insurance for it. It was suggested using the Chicago track club's race coordination guide as a reference to inquiries, then request attendance at a club meeting to discuss what is needed from runLawrence. Ed plans to research other web resources.

8. Steve has an ongoing project to design a marathon course for Lawrence. Stumbling blocks have been the restrictions on passing through 6th street and Iowa by LPD.

Upcoming Races:

03/08 Shamrock Shuffle
03/22 Wild as a March Hare in Topeka
03/29 Lawrence Dam Run, Olathe Marathon
04/05 Run for Life 10 Mi, Topeka
04/06 Brew to Brew
04/20 Lawrence Half Marathon
04/26 Hilltop Hustle

Lori Cackler