Welcome to the runLawrence web site.
    Celebrating Garry Gribble's Running Sports five years in Lawrence; flag at the start of the Lenexa Freedom Run on July 4th.

Meeting Minutes, Sun, July 7, 2013

Members present:  Don C, Lori C, Jason H, Molly W, Heather K-M, Becky M, Gene W, Dee B, Leah K, Dan K

Treasurer's report indicated a balance of $10,559.02 with no outstanding obligations.

The June minutes were reviewed.  Dee moved they be approved as submitted, Don 2nd, passed unanimously.

Dan reported on the Youth Running Project.  Details are pretty well worked out and they will be listed on the club website soon.  The initial cross country training for middle school age runners is slated to be a 3 x/wk 8 week session from mid-August through mid-October.

Dee reported on plans for the T-Day Run.  Sponsorship request letters have been sent to all former sponsors.  Gene will be working to get the on-line entry form.   A few more details, such as the give-away item, are still in the works.  A few new people have volunteered through our Face Book page and Heather is keeping them apprised of our needs.  Overall, plans are proceeding well.

There was some discussion as to access to the runLawrence e-mail and the need to make sure e-mail requests are responded to promptly.  There have been several requests for sponsorship and/or just publicity for some upcoming events

It was moved by Don that the club once again donate $300 to Red Dog Days.  Red Dog members are very active local runners and many volunteer and/or participate in our T-Day 5K.  It was also agreed that the ALS event put on by friends of Evan Ice, also a local runner, at Kaufman Stadium on September 28 be included on our calendar of events.

The August meeting will be our annual club BBQ.  We will again reserve a city facility, hopefully the depot at the Visitor's Center in north Lawrence.  Heather will reserve a facility and Dee will arrange for the caterer.  Invitations to all current and prospective club members and their families will be sent out.  The club will provide meat, buns, beans, cole slaw and beverages.  Those attending will be asked to bring a salad or dessert.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30.

Submitted by,
Dee Boeck