Meeting Minutes, Sun, April 10, 2016

Present: Brenda Groskinsky, Dee Boeck, Gene Wee, Jason Holbert, Karen Hyde, Becky McClure, Dan Kuhlman, Janet and John Huchingson, Lori and Don Cackler, and Bill Kinnersley.

Jason moved to approve the March minutes. Don seconded and all approved.

Jason gave the treasurer’s report. Currently the club has a balance of $14,895.09.  Eight of the checks issued to the marathon clubs from the race proceeds have cleared.

Jason, Brenda, and Karen gave a positive report of their experience running Brew to Brew.  Dee, Celeste and Molly again worked the last aide station.

Gene and Dee gave a report from the RRCA convention.  They attended the insurance meeting.  Gene reported that we have coverage for our race participants and for our volunteers.  He learned that in order to be covered by our insurance the race director and our coaches need to be volunteers, not paid.  Also, on organized training runs, every participant needs to sign a waiver so that they are covered.  We can have an event where beer is available as long as we don’t sell it.

Dee added that a common cause of injury at running events comes when the feather shaped signs fall on participants.  We need to make sure that the signs are weighted down well.

Dee also attended a workshop on diversity. The speaker said that running clubs need to work to attract more minorities or clubs will die out (due to changes in our demographics). We need to do outreach in schools and in the community.

Brenda gave the president’s report. She listed the following areas that she is asking the club to consider in the upcoming year. Her intention is that we review the list and decide next meeting which areas we wish to address and in what order.

  1. Bylaws - Do we want to make changes or keep them as they are?
  2. Committees - Do we want them? And can the committees assist with the topics mentioned in the list?
  3. Strategic plan - Where do we want our club to be in 5 years?  What is our mission statement and what milestones do we need to reach to get there?
  4. Financial planning - we need a budget so that we can agree on how to spend our money. Do we want to write a ‘charity’ policy?
  5. Politics - Do we want people representing the club to do activity X, and is the activity in accordance with our mission statement? How should we identify the pros and cons of a political position?
  6. Annual meeting - Should we have a formal regimented content with formal discussion, followed by a social event? Many running clubs suggest a formal meeting is needed.
  7. Governance of the club - i.e. Do we want to have a handbook? How many votes per household?
  8. Insurance - Do we want to form a committee to prepare a document describing our current practices, and send it to RRCA for their input? Are we doing things correctly in order to be covered by RRCA’s insurance?

Dee gave the Thanksgiving Day Run update.  This year we will be giving socks that we will purchase through Ad Astra Running store for less than $10.00 per pair.  Dee has been searching for options for the awards.  She is in the process of negotiating with local artist, Dave Van Hee.

Bill said that he will be serving on a focus committee for the Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department which is in the process of updating its master plan.  The department is seeking input from citizens and clubs. The plan was last written in 2000; it is greatly detailed and can be found on-line on the City of Lawrence website. Dee said that she is also interested in serving and that, as a running group, we want to advocate for runner’s needs, i.e. surfaces other than concrete for trails, lighting along the trails, restrooms and occasional drinking fountains.

Dan gave an update on the youth running program.  They had a very successful season and the coaches have continued to have contact with some of the kids during the winter to give them workouts prior to track season. Next fall, Dan will serve as the group’s administrator, whereas Kyle and Maresa will be the head coaches.  Dan and others (Dee and Leah) will serve as assistant coaches. Next year there will be 4 meets for 7th-8th graders and 2 meets for 6th graders.

The next club meeting will be May 1st at the library. Becky agreed to lead the next club meeting in Brenda's absence.

Karen moved to adjourn the meeting; Dee seconded and all approved.

Respectfully submitted by Karen Hyde