Meeting Minutes, Sun, Jan 10, 2016

Present: Ann Carlin Ozegovic, Dee Boeck, Gene Wee, Karen Hyde, Jason Holbert, Dan Kuhlman, Marilyn Hull, Greg Burger

Dan called the meeting to order.

Dee introduced Marilyn Hull, the chair of the Lawrence Pedestrian/Bicycle Task Force.

Marilyn explained that the task force of ten citizens has been meeting since June to research and make recommendations to the city commission concerning walking, bike riding and wheel chair usage on various pathways in the city. She stated that Lawrence has gaps with existing city sidewalks and that they are not always well maintained. Marilyn stated that currently it is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain sidewalks, but that the city doesn’t consistently enforce the policy. She also stated that bike paths and multi-use paths aren’t connected and that the average user can’t always recognize the best route to ride. The task force’s recommendations are:

  1. The city should invest in sidewalks and take over their maintenance. In addition, the city should invest in the bike path infrastructure.
  2. The city should invest in safe walking ( and biking) routes to schools.
  3. The city should ensure that busy streets in Lawrence have a sidewalk on at least one side of the street.
  4. The city needs to do more to educate citizens about bicycle and pedestrian laws and to enforce such laws.
  5. The city should dedicate ½ million in sidewalks and ½ million in bikeways per year.

The task force will submit a draft of their report on January 25th which will be followed by a two week period for public comment. The task force is hoping that runLawrence members will discuss the report with friends and fellow runners, provide feedback, and help create enthusiasm for the recommendations. It was mentioned that feedback could be given on the city website, and that discussion could take place on social media accounts of the City of Lawrence-Municipal Government, the Douglas County Health Dept. and Live Well Lawrence. The task force will make their proposal to the city commission on March 1st.

Greg Burger arrived at 4:45. Greg mentioned his support for completion of the loop for bike/multi-use paths around Lawrence. The projected 20-22 mile loop is currently 75% complete.

Dee moved to approve the December minutes. Jason seconded the motion and all approved.

Jason submitted the treasurer’s report which indicated a club balance of $22,971.05. He read off several payments for race related items and the report was made available to all present. Ann moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Gene seconded and all approved.

Dan gave a report of the executive committee meeting. The committee will consist of existing officers, (pres., vice, secretary, treasurer, race director, web master) and one at-large member. The total is intended to always be seven. Committee meetings will be published and any club member is welcome to attend, but in the future club business will be conducted in committee whereas general meetings will be events (i.e. the club picnic).

Election of officers - Jason moved to accept the following slate: Brenda Groskinsky for President, Dee Boeck for interim vice president, Jason Holbert for treasurer and Karen Hyde for treasurer. Ann seconded the motion and all approved. We are still looking for a person to fill the vice president position.

Funding requests - Kennedy school is the only request that has been submitted to date. The deadline to submit proposals is Jan. 31. Dee proposed making the traditional payment of $3000 to Woodlawn School and $200 to RRCA to be designated toward the Kids Run the Nation youth program. Gene seconded the motion and all approved. Elizabeth, Dan and Dee will follow up with groups who received funds last year in order to make sure that they are aware of the impending deadline for their proposal.

Dan mentioned that Ad Astra running store will hold a runLawrence day on Feb. 2nd. Members will receive a 20% discount on any store purchases that day. There will be a group run beginning at the store at approx. 5:00 pm, and afterwards all club members are invited to enjoy snacks and social time at the store. You don’t have to run to partake!

Ann moved that the club pay the registration and hotel expense for Gene and Dee (and one or two other club members TBA) to attend the RRCA convention in Dallas on March 17-20. Jason seconded the motion and all approved.

Race Directors Conference in KC- Gene and Kendra will be attending on Jan. 27. Others who might be interested can attend the conference for $15.00.

Neck gaiters are for sale for $5.00.

Dee moved to adjourn the meeting and Jason seconded. All approved.

Respectfully submitted by Karen Hyde