Aug 5, 2006, Lawrence, KS (rev: 8/9/06) [any corrections, send to Steve Riley]

overall | age groups | =2005 results

(above) a pack below the KU campus on Sunnyside. (above) Near the top of the Mountain Lion Hill (West Campus); (below) Megan Ballock charges up the hill on her way to a relay team victory (with Brittney Graff). (gmw photos)


               ********** MALE OVERALL WINNER ***********
    1 Kory Cool            19 Manhattan     KS   33:29 
    2 Danny Schneider      19 Lawrence      KS   35:31 
    3 Tom Kreissler        36 Lawrence      KS   36:18 

               ********** FEMALE OVERALL WINNER ***********
    1 Kelly Renfro         16 Lawrence      KS   42:18 
    2 Kyra Kilwein         15 Lawrence      KS   42:44 
    3 Laura Girard         33 Kansas City   MO   43:58 

    1 Jeff Behrens         57 Gladstone     MO      42:44   35:17 
    2 Ken Cameron          46 Kansas City   MO      40:42   36:45 
    3 Jack Hope            58 Lawrence      KS      45:57   37:37 

    1 Lori Lange           48 Lawrence      KS      47:52   42:55 
    2 Fran Breslauer       65 Lawrence      KS    1:03:10   44:56 
    3 Tiffany Francis      43 Lawrence      KS      47:39   44:59 

                        ******* MALE RELAYS *******
    1 Josh Lacer/Tim Testa                                   35:03 
    2 Jacob Kucze/Mark Kucza                                 40:34 
    3 Travis Everett/Trevor Everett                          41:09 
    4 Dan Walsh/Steve Walsh                                  45:44 
    5 Scott Hedrick/Ivo Ivanov                               46:19 
    6 Charlie Nadvornik/Abram Crislip                        46:35 
    7 Gary Singer/Gary Singer                                46:54 
    8 Patrick Sprugeon/Matt Smysor                           49:42 
    9 Dan Douglas/Mark Douglas                               59:00 

                       ******* FEMALE RELAYS *******
    1 Brittney Graff/Megan Ballock                           39:30 
    2 Lauren Davis/Elizabeth Kincaid                         50:25 
    3 Libby Johnson/Jaymie Hardtarfer                        53:31 
    4 Julie McCreary/Ruthanne Mccreary                       55:15 
    5 Kimberly Grooms/Renee Kendall                        1:02:22 
    6 Paige Robinson/Amy Kelly                             1:08:22 
    7 Margeret Wiebe/Scout Wiebe                           1:09:31 
    8 Jody Gregory/Christine Oleson                        1:10:13 

                       ******* MIXED RELAYS *******
    1 Emily Ballock/Joey Chino                               40:08 
    2 Dan Kuhlman/Bre Miller                                 45:18 
    3 Erica Testa/Randy Testa                                46:01 
    4 Nash Riggins/Stacy Riggins                             47:09 
    5 Ashley Turpin/Phillip Hinman                           47:30 
    6 Leigh Housman/Brian Mason                              51:03 
    7 John Davis/Megan Davis                                 52:30 
    8 Katie Naeve/Mario Gonzales                             52:47 
    9 Chris Everett/Ed Everett                               52:54 
   10 Becky Anderson/Mike Bonebrake                          53:14 
   11 Erin Bennett/Michael Bennett                           54:34 
   12 Laura Dahnert/Jeff Dahnert                             56:19 
   13 Ian Farrell/Cathy Brittain                             58:00 
   14 Cathy Brittain/Ian Farrell                             58:01 
   15 Kasi Packard/Ethan Merritt                             58:05 
   16 Teresa Webb/Terrance Riordan                         1:00:43 
   17 Lori Cackler/Donald Cackler                          1:01:38 
   18 Shannen Fisher/Jim Fisher                            1:05:08 
   19 Irma Blair/Mark Blair                                1:10:02 

                    ********** TEAM RESULTS **********
   1.  ALUMNI 
            35:31   36:49   37:09   44:52   45:45   46:29 = 4:06:35
         Danny Schneider, Kyle Morgison, Justin Riley, Rychel Johnson, Robyn
         Lee, Cynthia Mast
   2.  CURRENT
            37:48   40:35   40:47   42:18   42:44   52:49 = 4:17:01
         Gabe Moss, Jeff Standing, Dylan Hedges, Kelly Renfro, Kyra Kilwein,
         Adrienne Struble

                          MALE AGE GROUP:  1 - 12
    1 Kamp Wiebe           12 Lawrence           KS 1:01:55 

                         FEMALE AGE GROUP:  1 - 12
    1 Lynn Robinson        12 Lawrence           KS   55:52 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  13 - 19
    1 Kory Cool            19 Manhattan          KS   33:29 
    2 Danny Schneider      19 Lawrence           KS   35:31 
    3 Kyle Morgison        18 Lawrence           KS   36:49 
    4 Gabe Moss            16 Lawrence           KS   37:48 
    5 Matt Riley           19 Lawrence           KS   37:57 
    6 Cody Burns           17 Eudora             KS   39:10 
    7 Mujahid Hassaballa   19 Lawrence           KS   39:49 
    8 Andrew Grover        17 Lawrence           KS   40:25 
    9 Jeff Standing        17 Lawrence           KS   40:35 
   10 Dylan Hedges         16 Lawrence           KS   40:47 
   11 Brian Leatherwood    17 Lawrence           KS   42:54 
   12 George French        16 Chicago            IL   43:48 
   13 Ben Kincaid          18 Lawrence           KS   43:52 
   14 Cody Webber          16 Lawrence           KS   44:51 
   15 Brian Beneventi      16 Lawrence           KS   45:46 
   16 Alex Zimmerschied    15 Lawrence           KS   46:05 
   17 Benjamin Wilson      15 Lawrence           KS   46:08 
   18 Michael Lindeman     14 Lawrence           KS   47:49 
   19 Adam Lignell         15 Lawrence           KS   48:02 
   20 Tim Hagen            17 Lawrence           KS   49:21 
   21 Dustin Riat          16 Lawrence           KS   50:08 
   22 Bill Butler          15 Lawrence           KS   51:18 
   23 Billy Parker         17 Lawrence           KS   52:00 
   24 Ben Vogel            16 Lawrence           KS   53:01 
   25 J. Ordway            17 Wildwood           MO   55:35 
   26 Thomas Wheatley      14 Lawrence           KS   59:56 
   27 James Herd           15 Lawrence           KS 1:06:54 
   28 Drake Griffin        16 Lawrence           KS 1:08:00 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  13 - 19
    1 Kelly Renfro         16 Lawrence           KS   42:18 
    2 Kyra Kilwein         15 Lawrence           KS   42:44 
    3 Robyn Lee            19 Lawrence           KS   45:45 
    4 Jenni Beasley        19 Lawrence           KS   48:55 
    5 Amy Meyers           13 Lawrence           KS   50:51 
    6 Alysha Valencia      18 Lawrence           KS   51:59 
    7 Elise Rock           18 Lawrence           KS   51:59 
    8 Adrienne Struble     17 Lawrence           KS   52:49 
    9 Brianna Diiorio      17 Lawrence           KS   53:30 
   10 Carly Sakumura       18 Lawrence           KS   58:51 
   11 Lauren Ollila        16 Lawrence           KS   59:11 
   12 Haley Harrington     15 Lawrence           KS   59:28 
   13 Logan Keasling       16 Lawrence           KS 1:01:16 
   14 Alissa Freeman       15 Lawrence           KS 1:02:16 
   15 Libby Wiebe          14 Lawrence           KS 1:02:59 
   16 Rebecca Meyers       15 Lawrence           KS 1:03:06 
   17 Kati Wheatley        15 Lawrence           KS 1:04:04 
   18 Cara Breeden         19 Lawrence           KS 1:04:23 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  20 - 24
    1 Justin Riley         22 Lawrence           KS   37:09 
    2 Harry Swartz         20 Lawrence           KS   37:36 
    3 Aaron Paul           24 Lawrence           KS   38:56 
    4 Alex Rock            20 Lawrence           KS   42:03 
    5 Adam Beals           22 Lawrence           KS   42:39 
    6 Philip Duncan        24 Lawrence           KS   43:43 
    7 Mark Whittemore      20 Lawrence           KS   43:58 
    8 Justin Marable       24 Topeka             KS   46:59 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  20 - 24
    1 Rychel Johnson       21 Lawrence           KS   44:52 
    2 Jackie Miller        23 Norman             OK   50:18 
    3 Catherine Thompson   23 Lawrence           KS   52:25 
    4 Ashley Isbell        20 Lawrence           KS   55:10 
    5 Kristen Jarboe       21 Lawrence           KS   55:21 
    6 Sarah Viveros        24 Kansas City        MO   55:45 
    7 Gena Milburn         24 Lawrence           KS   59:19 
    8 Karen Ganacias       23 Lansing            KS   59:20 
    9 Caitlin Johnson      23 Lawrence           KS 1:04:20 
   10 Meghian Rainsberger  22 Lawrence           KS 1:05:25 
   11 Lauren Bakian        22 Lawrence           KS 1:05:25 
   12 Lindsey Vail         24 Lawrence           KS 1:07:37 
   13 Lindsey Kimball      24 Lawrence           KS 1:09:38 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  25 - 29
    1 Scott Mcvey          28 Lawrence           KS   40:51 
    2 Jake Messersmith     27 Lawrence           KS   42:21 
    3 Nick Prewett         28 Lawrence           KS   45:29 
    4 Jeremy Zimney        29 Eudora             KS   46:20 
    5 Tim Segraves         28 Lawrence           KS   47:13 
    6 Mark Emge            29 Lawrence           KS   48:52 
    7 Mandy Del Valle      29 Lawrence           KS   49:58 
    8 Adam Miller          25 Norman             OK   50:19 
    9 Josh Waetzig         26 Lawrence           KS   51:35 
   10 Andrew Alt           28 Ames               IA   52:02 
   11 Josh Britt           25 Clay Center        KS   52:42 
   12 Steve Allton         29 Lawrence           KS   52:47 
   13 Andy Woolard         26 Lawrence           KS   53:44 
   14 Bill Newton          29 Lawrence           KS   54:36 
   15 John Arneson         28 Overland Park      KS   54:51 
   16 Patrick Waters       28 Kansas City        KS   55:24 
   17 Joel Kivett          28 Lawrence           KS   58:59 
   18 Chris Weber          26 Topeka             KS 1:09:08 
   19 James Fisher         28 Eudora             KS 1:23:47 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  25 - 29
    1 Cynthia Mast         28 Lawrence           KS   46:29 
    2 Erica Schaapveld     28 Lawrence           KS   49:44 
    3 Kelly Gunn           26 Lawrence           KS   51:42 
    4 Anne Emert           28 Lawrence           KS   51:53 
    5 Jessica Wall         25 Lawrence           KS   52:55 
    6 Molly Mcvey          26 Lawrence           KS   53:54 
    7 Holly Chaitman       26 Edgerton           KS   54:17 
    8 Jennie Roberts       29 Mission            KS   54:58 
    9 Lauren Daniels       27 Lawrence           KS   55:21 
   10 Susan Harvey         29 Lawrence           KS   56:36 
   11 Erin Slagle          26 Eudora             KS   57:40 
   12 Shelli Waetzig       25 Lawrence           KS   59:01 
   13 Alissa Smith         26 Overland Park      KS 1:02:05 
   14 Erika Devore         29 Kansas City        MO 1:02:59 
   15 Amanda Doleman       29 Lawrence           KS 1:08:10 
   16 Serita Miller        25 Lawrence           KS 1:08:28 
   17 Sherre Kahn          27 Eudora             KS 1:10:15 
   18 Crystal Wood         27 Lawrence           KS 1:12:18 
   19 Bethany Weber        27 Topeka             KS 1:14:27 
   20 Mary Fisher          26 Eudora             KS 1:23:48 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  30 - 34
    1 Matt Holman          32 Lawrence           KS   39:58 
    2 Christopher Lounsbu  32 Lawrence           KS   43:26 
    3 John Schlesselman    30 Shawnee            KS   45:27 
    4 Douglas Kieweg       32 Lawrence           KS   45:57 
    5 Ryan Brittingham     33 Lawrence           KS   49:04 
    6 Eric Gillen          31 Silver Lake        KS   49:34 
    7 Nicholas Callaghan   31 Lawrence           KS   50:22 
    8 Raymond Millard      30 Lenexa             KS   51:33 
    9 Bryce Mccreary       32 Lawrence           KS   52:02 
   10 Charles Knapp        34 Lawrence           KS   52:24 
   11 Dean Ohman           34 Lawrence           KS   52:25 
   12 Jason Daniels        30 Lawrence           KS   54:35 
   13 Jason Brunkan        32 Mission            KS   55:26 
   14 Dave Devore          30 Kansas City        MO   57:46 
   15 Jay Turner           33 Lawrence           KS   58:31 
   16 Danny Marasek        30 Olathe             KS   58:39 
   17 Tracy William        31 Lawrence           KS 1:02:55 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  30 - 34
    1 Laura Girard         33 Kansas City        MO   43:58 
    2 Christi Douglas      30 Lawrence           KS   50:52 
    3 Megan Menzel         31 Lawrence           KS   51:05 
    4 Amy Mcdaniel         31 Lawrence           KS   53:14 
    5 Tawnia Lasley        34 Lawrence           KS   55:56 
    6 Heather Flachsbarth  33 Lawrence           KS   56:11 
    7 Amanda Root          31 Hoquiam            WA   57:37 
    8 Laura Thoma          32 Westwood           KS 1:00:18 
    9 Amy Higbie           31 Lawrence           KS 1:00:35 
   10 Cristal Barnes       34 Lawrence           KS 1:00:44 
   11 Netheli Toussaint    34 Lawrence           KS 1:06:27 
   12 Sally Trujillo       32 Lawrence           KS 1:12:48 
   13 Piper Chindamo       34 Lawrence           KS 1:13:01 
   14 Angela Harris        30 Lawrence           KS 1:20:49 
   15 Sandra Salem         31 Lawrence           KS 1:38:22 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  35 - 39
    1 Tom Kreissler        36 Lawrence           KS   36:18 
    2 Scott Forkenbrock    35 Lawrence           KS   40:53 
    3 Doug Nickel          38 Lawrence           KS   44:37 
    4 Chris Bay            37 Lawrence           KS   48:01 
    5 Kurt Schueler        38 Lawrence           KS   48:23 
    6 Jon King             38 Lawrence           KS   49:47 
    7 Jay Zimmerschied     39 Lawrence           KS   53:11 
    8 David Zabel          36 Lawrence           KS   53:26 
    9 Brandon Macneill     35 Lawrence           KS   55:06 
   10 Marc Scarbrough      35 Lawrence           KS   55:32 
   11 Scott Bouyack        35 Lawrence           KS   55:45 
   12 Daniel Spurgin       37 Lawrence           KS   55:53 
   13 Patrick Kelly        36 Lawrence           KS   57:34 
   14 Charles Haff         39 Lawrence           KS   57:54 
   15 Matthew Davis        37 Raytown            MO   58:33 
   16 Jacques Moraille     39 Lawrence           KS 1:01:05 
   17 Daniel Peebles       39 Lawrence           KS 1:01:39 
   18 Kevin Dobbs          38 Lawrence           KS 1:09:30 
   19 Bill London          38 Lawrence           KS 1:11:38 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  35 - 39
    1 Karen Braman         38 Lawrence           KS   51:37 
    2 Elizabeth Weeks      35 Lawrence           KS   52:04 
    3 Jennifer Barton      36 Lawrence           KS   57:59 
    4 Lisa Hallberg        37 Lawrence           KS   58:22 
    5 Sonja Kristiansen    35 Lawrence           KS   59:42 
    6 Jana White           38 Lawrence           KS 1:06:53 
    7 Angela Waliczek      36 Lawrence           KS 1:14:51 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  40 - 44
    1 Steve Lutthohann     41 Topeka             KS   44:04 
    2 Dan Sabatini         44 Lawrence           KS   44:23 
    3 Scott Coston         44 Lawrence           KS   45:30 
    4 Nate Rovenstine      44 Lawrence           KS   47:57 
    5 Billy Williams       40 Lawrence           KS   48:12 
    6 Rafe Evans           40 Lawrence           KS   50:53 
    7 Scott Petry          41 Lawrence           KS   53:01 
    8 Mark Inbody          40 Lawrence           KS   57:29 
    9 Dale Seele           44 Lawrence           KS   58:00 
   10 Dan Dunbar           41 Lawrence           KS   58:42 
   11 Bill Thoma           43 Crestwood          IL 1:04:22 
   12 Ed Wheatley          40 Lawrence           KS 1:10:07 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  40 - 44
    1 Tiffany Francis      43 Lawrence           KS   47:39 
    2 Mianne Irick         42 Lawrence           KS   53:04 
    3 Jennifer Groene      43 Lawrence           KS   55:34 
    4 Karen Rempel         41 Lawrence           KS   55:52 
    5 Cynthia Dunham       44 Lawrence           KS   57:28 
    6 Jill Hardesty        41 Lawrence           KS 1:05:10 
    7 Tami Griffin         43 Lawrence           KS 1:12:59 
    8 Lee Beth Dever       43 Lawrence           KS 1:13:46 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  45 - 49
    1 Ken Cameron          46 Kansas City        MO   40:42 
    2 Jeff Sigler          46 Lawrence           KS   43:10 
    3 Karl Brooks          49 Lawrence           KS   44:09 
    4 Jorge Carvajal       45 Lawrence           KS   46:33 
    5 Christopher Turner   46 Lawrence           KS   46:38 
    6 Larry Irick          49 Lawrence           KS   47:39 
    7 James Ens            48 Lecompton          KS   48:03 
    8 John Frydman         48 Lawrence           KS   48:44 
    9 Walter Olker         47 Lawrence           KS   48:57 
   10 Andrew Hazucha       46 Lawrence           KS   49:41 
   11 Tony Moss            49 Lawrence           KS   50:29 
   12 Jesse Hardy          45 Lawrence           KS   51:55 
   13 Keith Meyers         47 Lawrence           KS   52:10 
   14 Matt Bova            45 Lawrence           KS   52:19 
   15 Tim French           46 Chicago            IL   54:49 
   16 Murray Renick        46 Lawrence           KS   54:54 
   17 Mark Jarboe          49 Lawrence           KS   55:22 
   18 David Lignell        46 Lawrence           KS   56:08 
   19 Mark Robinson        45 Lawrence           KS   57:44 
   20 Blake Hedges         45 Lawrence           KS   57:52 
   21 Rick Deibert         48 Lawrence           KS   59:30 
   22 Jonathan Keffer      47 Lawrence           KS   59:54 
   23 Peter Williams       49 Lawrence           KS 1:00:16 
   24 Kevin Fredrickson    45 Lawrence           KS 1:03:07 
   25 Doug Worley          45 Lenexa             KS 1:11:17 
   26 Jerry Beneventi      47 Lawrence           KS 1:11:57 
   27 Ray Chao             47 Lawrence           KS 1:23:48 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  45 - 49
    1 Lori Lange           48 Lawrence           KS   47:52 
    2 Karen Hyde           45 Lawrence           KS   50:04 
    3 Becky Mcclure        47 Lawrence           KS   54:48 
    4 Mary Bennett         49 Lawrence           KS   55:27 
    5 Roberta Renz         49 Lawrence           KS   56:07 
    6 Leah Kuhlman         48 Lecompton          KS   56:45 
    7 Brenda Kappelman     48 Lawrence           KS   58:13 
    8 Mary Viveros         49 Kansas City        MO   58:15 
    9 Joanne Renfro        46 Lawrence           KS   59:03 
   10 Brenda Groskinsky    45 Lawrence           KS 1:02:00 
   11 Debbie Lopez         45 Lawrence           KS 1:04:17 
   12 Christy Kennedy      47 Lawrence           KS 1:10:11 
   13 Chris Griffith       47 Lawrence           KS 1:12:20 
   14 Deb Passig           48 Lawrence           KS 1:14:38 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  50 - 54
    1 Terry Slocum         54 Lawrence           KS   45:22 
    2 Gary Henry           50 Lawrence           KS   48:45 
    3 Curtis Cooper        53 Lee's Summit       MO   49:14 
    4 Mickey Woolard       53 Lawrence           KS   53:44 
    5 David Alt            54 Delphos            OH   53:53 
    6 Randy Ortiz          50 Lawrence           KS   54:38 
    7 David Dunfield       53 Lawrence           KS   56:33 
    8 Dale Brueggeman      50 Lawrence           KS   57:16 
    9 Jim Butler           50 Lawrence           KS   58:19 
   10 Gary Bennett         50 Lawrence           KS 1:03:40 
   11 Dennis Hoss          52 Lecompton          KS 1:04:52 
   12 Mike Mccafferty      53 Lawrence           KS 1:08:26 
   13 Dave Toplikar        51 Lawrence           KS 1:19:25 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  50 - 54
    1 Ellen Young          53 Lawrence           KS   55:39 
    2 Melody Gatti         50 Lawrence           KS   59:03 
    3 Joanie Starks        53 Lawrence           KS 1:01:25 
    4 Beverly Gardner      50 Lawrence           KS 1:09:32 
    5 Claire Roberts       54 Lawrence           KS 1:26:13 

                         MALE AGE GROUP:  55 - 59
    1 Jeff Behrens         57 Gladstone          MO   42:44 
    2 Jack Hope            58 Lawrence           KS   45:57 
    3 Ken Johnson          56 Lawrence           KS   46:22 
    4 Bob Etzel            55 Lawrence           KS   46:52 
    5 Mike Worley          56 Lawrence           KS   48:40 
    6 Ron Francisco        58 Lawrence           KS   53:52 
    7 Ron Hughes           56 Ottawa             KS   56:51 
    8 Gary Teske           58 Lawrence           KS 1:01:17 
    9 Alan Johnson         58 Lawrence           KS 1:02:47 
   10 Stan Herd            55 Lawrence           KS 1:06:55 
   11 Ric Averill          55 Lawrence           KS 1:07:42 
   12 Tom Mersmann         57 Lawrence           KS 1:07:57 

                        FEMALE AGE GROUP:  55 - 59
    1 Teri Oberzan         59 Lawrence           KS   58:45 

                   MALE AGE GROUP (AGE GRADED):  60+
    1 Joe Oberzan          63 Lawrence           KS   51:10   40:05 
    2 Bruce Guy            61 Lawrence           KS   54:22   43:21 
    3 David Wahlgren       64 Shawnee            KS   57:45   44:50 
    4 Kirby Clark          68 Tonganoxie         KS 1:05:53   49:17 
    5 Donald Whittemore    62 Lawrence           KS 1:02:56   49:44 
    6 Michael Miller       64 Lawrence           KS 1:04:32   50:06 

                  FEMALE AGE GROUP (AGE GRADED):  60+
    1 Fran Breslauer       65 Lawrence           KS 1:03:10   44:56


PLACE NAME                CITY            ST AGE S   TIME    
===== =================== =============== == === = ======= 
    1 Kory Cool           Manhattan       KS  19 M   33:29 
    2 Danny Schneider     Lawrence        KS  19 M   35:31 
    3 Tom Kreissler       Lawrence        KS  36 M   36:18 
    4 Kyle Morgison       Lawrence        KS  18 M   36:49 
    5 Justin Riley        Lawrence        KS  22 M   37:09 
    6 Harry Swartz        Lawrence        KS  20 M   37:36 
    7 Gabe Moss           Lawrence        KS  16 M   37:48 
    8 Matt Riley          Lawrence        KS  19 M   37:57 
    9 Aaron Paul          Lawrence        KS  24 M   38:56 
   10 Cody Burns          Eudora          KS  17 M   39:10 
   11 Mujahid Hassaballa  Lawrence        KS  19 M   39:49 
   12 Matt Holman         Lawrence        KS  32 M   39:58 
   13 Andrew Grover       Lawrence        KS  17 M   40:25 
   14 Jeff Standing       Lawrence        KS  17 M   40:35 
   15 Ken Cameron         Kansas City     MO  46 M   40:42 
   16 Dylan Hedges        Lawrence        KS  16 M   40:47 
   17 Scott Mcvey         Lawrence        KS  28 M   40:51 
   18 Scott Forkenbrock   Lawrence        KS  35 M   40:53 
   19 Alex Rock           Lawrence        KS  20 M   42:03 
   20 Kelly Renfro        Lawrence        KS  16 F   42:18 
   21 Jake Messersmith    Lawrence        KS  27 M   42:21 
   22 Adam Beals          Lawrence        KS  22 M   42:39 
   23 Jeff Behrens        Gladstone       MO  57 M   42:44 
   24 Kyra Kilwein        Lawrence        KS  15 F   42:44 
   25 Brian Leatherwood   Lawrence        KS  17 M   42:54 
   26 Jeff Sigler         Lawrence        KS  46 M   43:10 
   27 Christopher Lounsbu Lawrence        KS  32 M   43:26 
   28 Philip Duncan       Lawrence        KS  24 M   43:43 
   29 George French       Chicago         IL  16 M   43:48 
   30 Ben Kincaid         Lawrence        KS  18 M   43:52 
   31 Laura Girard        Kansas City     MO  33 F   43:58 
   32 Mark Whittemore     Lawrence        KS  20 M   43:58 
   33 Steve Lutthohann    Topeka          KS  41 M   44:04 
   34 Karl Brooks         Lawrence        KS  49 M   44:09 
   35 Dan Sabatini        Lawrence        KS  44 M   44:23 
   36 Doug Nickel         Lawrence        KS  38 M   44:37 
   37 Cody Webber         Lawrence        KS  16 M   44:51 
   38 Rychel Johnson      Lawrence        KS  21 F   44:52 
   39 Terry Slocum        Lawrence        KS  54 M   45:22 
   40 John Schlesselman   Shawnee         KS  30 M   45:27 
   41 Nick Prewett        Lawrence        KS  28 M   45:29 
   42 Scott Coston        Lawrence        KS  44 M   45:30 
   43 Robyn Lee           Lawrence        KS  19 F   45:45 
   44 Brian Beneventi     Lawrence        KS  16 M   45:46 
   45 Douglas Kieweg      Lawrence        KS  32 M   45:57 
   46 Jack Hope           Lawrence        KS  58 M   45:57 
   47 Alex Zimmerschied   Lawrence        KS  15 M   46:05 
   48 Benjamin Wilson     Lawrence        KS  15 M   46:08 
   49 Jeremy Zimney       Eudora          KS  29 M   46:20 
   50 Ken Johnson         Lawrence        KS  56 M   46:22 
   51 Cynthia Mast        Lawrence        KS  28 F   46:29 
   52 Jorge Carvajal      Lawrence        KS  45 M   46:33 
   53 Christopher Turner  Lawrence        KS  46 M   46:38 
   54 Bob Etzel           Lawrence        KS  55 M   46:52 
   55 Justin Marable      Topeka          KS  24 M   46:59 
   56 Tim Segraves        Lawrence        KS  28 M   47:13 
   57 Larry Irick         Lawrence        KS  49 M   47:39 
   58 Tiffany Francis     Lawrence        KS  43 F   47:39 
   59 Michael Lindeman    Lawrence        KS  14 M   47:49 
   60 Lori Lange          Lawrence        KS  48 F   47:52 
   61 Nate Rovenstine     Lawrence        KS  44 M   47:57 
   62 Chris Bay           Lawrence        KS  37 M   48:01 
   63 Adam Lignell        Lawrence        KS  15 M   48:02 
   64 James Ens           Lecompton       KS  48 M   48:03 
   65 Billy Williams      Lawrence        KS  40 M   48:12 
   66 Kurt Schueler       Lawrence        KS  38 M   48:23 
   67 Mike Worley         Lawrence        KS  56 M   48:40 
   68 John Frydman        Lawrence        KS  48 M   48:44 
   69 Gary Henry          Lawrence        KS  50 M   48:45 
   70 Mark Emge           Lawrence        KS  29 M   48:52 
   71 Jenni Beasley       Lawrence        KS  19 F   48:55 
   72 Walter Olker        Lawrence        KS  47 M   48:57 
   73 Ryan Brittingham    Lawrence        KS  33 M   49:04 
   74 Curtis Cooper       Lee's Summit    MO  53 M   49:14 
   75 Tim Hagen           Lawrence        KS  17 M   49:21 
   76 Eric Gillen         Silver Lake     KS  31 M   49:34 
   77 Andrew Hazucha      Lawrence        KS  46 M   49:41 
   78 Erica Schaapveld    Lawrence        KS  28 F   49:44 
   79 Jon King            Lawrence        KS  38 M   49:47 
   80 Mandy Del Valle     Lawrence        KS  29 M   49:58 
   81 Karen Hyde          Lawrence        KS  45 F   50:04 
   82 Dustin Riat         Lawrence        KS  16 M   50:08 
   83 Jackie Miller       Norman          OK  23 F   50:18 
   84 Adam Miller         Norman          OK  25 M   50:19 
   85 Nicholas Callaghan  Lawrence        KS  31 M   50:22 
   86 Tony Moss           Lawrence        KS  49 M   50:29 
   87 Amy Meyers          Lawrence        KS  13 F   50:51 
   88 Christi Douglas     Lawrence        KS  30 F   50:52 
   89 Rafe Evans          Lawrence        KS  40 M   50:53 
   90 Megan Menzel        Lawrence        KS  31 F   51:05 
   91 Joe Oberzan         Lawrence        KS  63 M   51:10 
   92 Bill Butler         Lawrence        KS  15 M   51:18 
   93 Raymond Millard     Lenexa          KS  30 M   51:33 
   94 Josh Waetzig        Lawrence        KS  26 M   51:35 
   95 Karen Braman        Lawrence        KS  38 F   51:37 
   96 Kelly Gunn          Lawrence        KS  26 F   51:42 
   97 Anne Emert          Lawrence        KS  28 F   51:53 
   98 Jesse Hardy         Lawrence        KS  45 M   51:55 
   99 Alysha Valencia     Lawrence        KS  18 F   51:59 
  100 Elise Rock          Lawrence        KS  18 F   51:59 
  101 Billy Parker        Lawrence        KS  17 M   52:00 
  102 Bryce Mccreary      Lawrence        KS  32 M   52:02 
  103 Andrew Alt          Ames            IA  28 M   52:02 
  104 Elizabeth Weeks     Lawrence        KS  35 F   52:04 
  105 Keith Meyers        Lawrence        KS  47 M   52:10 
  106 Matt Bova           Lawrence        KS  45 M   52:19 
  107 Charles Knapp       Lawrence        KS  34 M   52:24 
  108 Catherine Thompson  Lawrence        KS  23 F   52:25 
  109 Dean Ohman          Lawrence        KS  34 M   52:25 
  110 Josh Britt          Clay Center     KS  25 M   52:42 
  111 Steve Allton        Lawrence        KS  29 M   52:47 
  112 Adrienne Struble    Lawrence        KS  17 F   52:49 
  113 Jessica Wall        Lawrence        KS  25 F   52:55 
  114 Scott Petry         Lawrence        KS  41 M   53:01 
  115 Ben Vogel           Lawrence        KS  16 M   53:01 
  116 Mianne Irick        Lawrence        KS  42 F   53:04 
  117 Jay Zimmerschied    Lawrence        KS  39 M   53:11 
  118 Amy Mcdaniel        Lawrence        KS  31 F   53:14 
  119 David Zabel         Lawrence        KS  36 M   53:26 
  120 Brianna Diiorio     Lawrence        KS  17 F   53:30 
  121 Andy Woolard        Lawrence        KS  26 M   53:44 
  122 Mickey Woolard      Lawrence        KS  53 M   53:44 
  123 Ron Francisco       Lawrence        KS  58 M   53:52 
  124 David Alt           Delphos         OH  54 M   53:53 
  125 Molly Mcvey         Lawrence        KS  26 F   53:54 
  126 Holly Chaitman      Edgerton        KS  26 F   54:17 
  127 Bruce Guy           Lawrence        KS  61 M   54:22 
  128 Jason Daniels       Lawrence        KS  30 M   54:35 
  129 Bill Newton         Lawrence        KS  29 M   54:36 
  130 Randy Ortiz         Lawrence        KS  50 M   54:38 
  131 Becky Mcclure       Lawrence        KS  47 F   54:48 
  132 Tim French          Chicago         IL  46 M   54:49 
  133 John Arneson        Overland Park   KS  28 M   54:51 
  134 Murray Renick       Lawrence        KS  46 M   54:54 
  135 Jennie Roberts      Mission         KS  29 F   54:58 
  136 Brandon Macneill    Lawrence        KS  35 M   55:06 
  137 Ashley Isbell       Lawrence        KS  20 F   55:10 
  138 Lauren Daniels      Lawrence        KS  27 F   55:21 
  139 Kristen Jarboe      Lawrence        KS  21 F   55:21 
  140 Mark Jarboe         Lawrence        KS  49 M   55:22 
  141 Patrick Waters      Kansas City     KS  28 M   55:24 
  142 Jason Brunkan       Mission         KS  32 M   55:26 
  143 Mary Bennett        Lawrence        KS  49 F   55:27 
  144 Marc Scarbrough     Lawrence        KS  35 M   55:32 
  145 Jennifer Groene     Lawrence        KS  43 F   55:34 
  146 J. Ordway           Wildwood        MO  17 M   55:35 
  147 Ellen Young         Lawrence        KS  53 F   55:39 
  148 Scott Bouyack       Lawrence        KS  35 M   55:45 
  149 Sarah Viveros       Kansas City     MO  24 F   55:45 
  150 Karen Rempel        Lawrence        KS  41 F   55:52 
  151 Lynn Robinson       Lawrence        KS  12 F   55:52 
  152 Daniel Spurgin      Lawrence        KS  37 M   55:53 
  153 Tawnia Lasley       Lawrence        KS  34 F   55:56 
  154 Roberta Renz        Lawrence        KS  49 F   56:07 
  155 David Lignell       Lawrence        KS  46 M   56:08 
  156 Heather Flachsbarth Lawrence        KS  33 F   56:11 
  157 David Dunfield      Lawrence        KS  53 M   56:33 
  158 Susan Harvey        Lawrence        KS  29 F   56:36 
  159 Leah Kuhlman        Lecompton       KS  48 F   56:45 
  160 Ron Hughes          Ottawa          KS  56 M   56:51 
  161 Dale Brueggeman     Lawrence        KS  50 M   57:16 
  162 Cynthia Dunham      Lawrence        KS  44 F   57:28 
  163 Mark Inbody         Lawrence        KS  40 M   57:29 
  164 Patrick Kelly       Lawrence        KS  36 M   57:34 
  165 Amanda Root         Hoquiam         WA  31 F   57:37 
  166 Erin Slagle         Eudora          KS  26 F   57:40 
  167 Mark Robinson       Lawrence        KS  45 M   57:44 
  168 David Wahlgren      Shawnee         KS  64 M   57:45 
  169 Dave Devore         Kansas City     MO  30 M   57:46 
  170 Blake Hedges        Lawrence        KS  45 M   57:52 
  171 Charles Haff        Lawrence        KS  39 M   57:54 
  172 Jennifer Barton     Lawrence        KS  36 F   57:59 
  173 Dale Seele          Lawrence        KS  44 M   58:00 
  174 Brenda Kappelman    Lawrence        KS  48 F   58:13 
  175 Mary Viveros        Kansas City     MO  49 F   58:15 
  176 Jim Butler          Lawrence        KS  50 M   58:19 
  177 Lisa Hallberg       Lawrence        KS  37 F   58:22 
  178 Jay Turner          Lawrence        KS  33 M   58:31 
  179 Matthew Davis       Raytown         MO  37 M   58:33 
  180 Danny Marasek       Olathe          KS  30 M   58:39 
  181 Dan Dunbar          Lawrence        KS  41 M   58:42 
  182 Teri Oberzan        Lawrence        KS  59 F   58:45 
  183 Carly Sakumura      Lawrence        KS  18 F   58:51 
  184 Joel Kivett         Lawrence        KS  28 M   58:59 
  185 Shelli Waetzig      Lawrence        KS  25 F   59:01 
  186 Joanne Renfro       Lawrence        KS  46 F   59:03 
  187 Melody Gatti        Lawrence        KS  50 F   59:03 
  188 Lauren Ollila       Lawrence        KS  16 F   59:11 
  189 Gena Milburn        Lawrence        KS  24 F   59:19 
  190 Karen Ganacias      Lansing         KS  23 F   59:20 
  191 Haley Harrington    Lawrence        KS  15 F   59:28 
  192 Rick Deibert        Lawrence        KS  48 M   59:30 
  193 Sonja Kristiansen   Lawrence        KS  35 F   59:42 
  194 Jonathan Keffer     Lawrence        KS  47 M   59:54 
  195 Thomas Wheatley     Lawrence        KS  14 M   59:56 
  196 Peter Williams      Lawrence        KS  49 M 1:00:16 
  197 Laura Thoma         Westwood        KS  32 F 1:00:18 
  198 Amy Higbie          Lawrence        KS  31 F 1:00:35 
  199 Cristal Barnes      Lawrence        KS  34 F 1:00:44 
  200 Jacques Moraille    Lawrence        KS  39 M 1:01:05 
  201 Logan Keasling      Lawrence        KS  16 F 1:01:16 
  202 Gary Teske          Lawrence        KS  58 M 1:01:17 
  203 Joanie Starks       Lawrence        KS  53 F 1:01:25 
  204 Daniel Peebles      Lawrence        KS  39 M 1:01:39 
  205 Kamp Wiebe          Lawrence        KS  12 M 1:01:55 
  206 Brenda Groskinsky   Lawrence        KS  45 F 1:02:00 
  207 Alissa Smith        Overland Park   KS  26 F 1:02:05 
  208 Alissa Freeman      Lawrence        KS  15 F 1:02:16 
  209 Alan Johnson        Lawrence        KS  58 M 1:02:47 
  210 Tracy William       Lawrence        KS  31 M 1:02:55 
  211 Donald Whittemore   Lawrence        KS  62 M 1:02:56 
  212 Erika Devore        Kansas City     MO  29 F 1:02:59 
  213 Libby Wiebe         Lawrence        KS  14 F 1:02:59 
  214 Rebecca Meyers      Lawrence        KS  15 F 1:03:06 
  215 Kevin Fredrickson   Lawrence        KS  45 M 1:03:07 
  216 Fran Breslauer      Lawrence        KS  65 F 1:03:10 
  217 Gary Bennett        Lawrence        KS  50 M 1:03:40 
  218 Kati Wheatley       Lawrence        KS  15 F 1:04:04 
  219 Debbie Lopez        Lawrence        KS  45 F 1:04:17 
  220 Caitlin Johnson     Lawrence        KS  23 F 1:04:20 
  221 Bill Thoma          Crestwood       IL  43 M 1:04:22 
  222 Cara Breeden        Lawrence        KS  19 F 1:04:23 
  223 Michael Miller      Lawrence        KS  64 M 1:04:32 
  224 Dennis Hoss         Lecompton       KS  52 M 1:04:52 
  225 Jill Hardesty       Lawrence        KS  41 F 1:05:10 
  226 Meghian Rainsberger Lawrence        KS  22 F 1:05:25 
  227 Lauren Bakian       Lawrence        KS  22 F 1:05:25 
  228 Kirby Clark         Tonganoxie      KS  68 M 1:05:53 
  229 Netheli Toussaint   Lawrence        KS  34 F 1:06:27 
  230 Jana White          Lawrence        KS  38 F 1:06:53 
  231 James Herd          Lawrence        KS  15 M 1:06:54 
  232 Stan Herd           Lawrence        KS  55 M 1:06:55 
  233 Lindsey Vail        Lawrence        KS  24 F 1:07:37 
  234 Ric Averill         Lawrence        KS  55 M 1:07:42 
  235 Tom Mersmann        Lawrence        KS  57 M 1:07:57 
  236 Drake Griffin       Lawrence        KS  16 M 1:08:00 
  237 Amanda Doleman      Lawrence        KS  29 F 1:08:10 
  238 Mike Mccafferty     Lawrence        KS  53 M 1:08:26 
  239 Serita Miller       Lawrence        KS  25 F 1:08:28 
  240 Chris Weber         Topeka          KS  26 M 1:09:08 
  241 Kevin Dobbs         Lawrence        KS  38 M 1:09:30 
  242 Beverly Gardner     Lawrence        KS  50 F 1:09:32 
  243 Lindsey Kimball     Lawrence        KS  24 F 1:09:38 
  244 Ed Wheatley         Lawrence        KS  40 M 1:10:07 
  245 Christy Kennedy     Lawrence        KS  47 F 1:10:11 
  246 Sherre Kahn         Eudora          KS  27 F 1:10:15 
  247 Doug Worley         Lenexa          KS  45 M 1:11:17 
  248 Bill London         Lawrence        KS  38 M 1:11:38 
  249 Jerry Beneventi     Lawrence        KS  47 M 1:11:57 
  250 Crystal Wood        Lawrence        KS  27 F 1:12:18 
  251 Chris Griffith      Lawrence        KS  47 F 1:12:20 
  252 Sally Trujillo      Lawrence        KS  32 F 1:12:48 
  253 Tami Griffin        Lawrence        KS  43 F 1:12:59 
  254 Piper Chindamo      Lawrence        KS  34 F 1:13:01 
  255 Lee Beth Dever      Lawrence        KS  43 F 1:13:46 
  256 Bethany Weber       Topeka          KS  27 F 1:14:27 
  257 Deb Passig          Lawrence        KS  48 F 1:14:38 
  258 Angela Waliczek     Lawrence        KS  36 F 1:14:51 
  259 Dave Toplikar       Lawrence        KS  51 M 1:19:25 
  260 Angela Harris       Lawrence        KS  30 F 1:20:49 
  261 James Fisher        Eudora          KS  28 M 1:23:47 
  262 Ray Chao            Lawrence        KS  47 M 1:23:48 
  263 Mary Fisher         Eudora          KS  26 F 1:23:48 
  264 Claire Roberts      Lawrence        KS  54 F 1:26:13 
  265 Sandra Salem        Lawrence        KS  31 F 1:38:22