Welcome to the runLawrence web site.
   Feb 14: (left) Missy Beck, female winner of the 20 Milers at the Psycho Wyco trail races (Dick Ross photos); At the Love 2 Run 4 Mile:
   2 cupids (Frank Mace photos); Indoor Triathlon, Jewish Community Center, OP: Mike Shifman, Dick Neuburger (Dick Ross photos)
  Feb 2009 archive  

Feb 25 - Results in the competitive categories from the Feb 22nd 801 Grand Power Climb in Des Moines:
Winners of the Ultimate Challenge
(completed the climb as many times as possible in 55 minutes):Overall - Lisa Vetterlein of Des Moines (She was also the female winner in the category.)  Lisa was able to climb 6 times. Male - Keith Dowell of Lawrence, KS.

If you want to try a stair climb race, the local event is at the Town Pavilion in Kansas City, MO, March 7th - the Vertical Dash for Diabetes.

Feb 16 - Update from Psycho Wyco: 1st in F10-19 in the 10 mile was Eudora's Julia Johnson; the M50-59 winner in the 20 mile was Keith Dowell.

Feb 15 - Valentine's Day is behind us, but you can still feel the love in Lawrence. Garry Gribbles' Running Sports is offering a 20% discount day on Tue, Feb 17 for runLawrence members only. Another supporter of the club is Francis Sporting Goods. They plan to offer 20% off on running shoes and apparel this week,
Feb 16-21. Both stores will have the latest membership list. If you're not on the list, please join us, or call if the list is not correct.

At the Love 2 Run 4 Mile: Ellen Young & Rich Freeman, Mike Neal & Tina Wright (Frank Mace photos)

Feb 14 - Valentine's Day was a good day for two Lawrence couples racing the Love 2 Run 4 Mile in Kansas City today. The race was promoted by Troy Fitzgerald who modeled the race after a similar event held years ago in Wichita. In the couples division with combined ages of 100+, Tina Wright & Mike Neal (Lawrence) won in a combined team time of 1 hr 07:02. 2nd place couple was Ellen Young & Rich Freeman (Lawrence, 1:19:09) more results

And at Wyandotte County Lake Park, Psycho Wyco winners in the 10 mile race included Dan Kuhlman (Lecompton) in the M50 race, Kim Deckert (Topeka, F30), William Hendry (DeSoto, M30), and Steve Sell (Lawrence) in the M60 division. results

Feb 10 - No, it's not Keith Dowell news all the time, every day, 24/7, but we have to mention one more story on our stair master. If you missed last night's evening news, KMBC's Bev Chapman caught Keith running up the city hall stairs in Kansas City. the video

"Hope I didn't wake you up." Rhonda LeValdo got an early morning call Saturday with an offer to help save the Haskell track program. It was Billy Mills. Can her running hero pull off another victory? Stay tuned.

Feb 6 - From Skycity1's Blog: I guess I will start with something that made me kinda upset, the school I teach at is a University for only federally recognized Native Americans.  It’s a great place to teach and I get to meet great people all the time.  The one thing that brought me here though was my dream to be a great runner like Billy Mills, and if you don’t know who he is, he is the ONLY American to win a gold medal in the 10,000 meter run in the Toyko Olympics 1964. more

Feb 3 - Empire State Building Run-Up: Keith Dowell place 6th in the M50-59 category, a sweet run up after missing his chance to climb the Sears Tower in November due to an upper respiratory infection. Dugan Arnett, Lawrence Journal-World, wrote a (bleepin') fine story today on Keith and his preparations.

He follows in the footsteps of one of the greats in the ESB Run-Up. Al Waquie was the winner from 1983-87, with his best time in 1986 in 11:27. Al was a two-time All-America cross-country runner at Haskell Indian Junior College as well as a three-time winner of the Pikes Peak Marathon (1979-81). more on Waquie

M50-59 cat.

Last Name
1st Name
WIGGLESWORTH Henry M51 Seattle WA 14 1 12:36 12:36
CALDERWOOD Stuart M50 New York NY 21 2 13:20 13:20
CURLEY Paul M53 Taunton MA 22 3 13:27 13:27
CARLSON Hal A M56 Aurora IL 36 4 14:08 14:08
KEATING Thomas M52 Princeton NJ 37 5 14:14 14:14
DOWELL Keith M54 Lawrence KS 79 6 16:15 16:15

complete results | photos from KansasCity.com | past winners

Feb 1: Lydia & John Ringquist; Cheri Sutton at the Psychopathic 5K (Ice Version) trail run at Wyandotte Co Lake Park (Dick Rossphotos)


Mar 3, 2009

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