News - Jan-Feb 2023
Feb 27
RunLawrence members running across the country. "Had a great time this weekend running the Rock & Roll Vegas 5K and Half Marathon. Ran it with a great group of friends!" - Brian Schwanz
Feb 25
Top results of Lawrence area runners at the John Brown Half Marathon.
Kristen Wiens (Lawrence), 1:41:34 (1st F Master)
Susie Fagan (Lawrence), 1:49:50 (1st F50-59)
Matt O'Reilly (Lawrence), 1:26:15,
(2nd M30-39)
Luke Phelps-Roper (Topeka), 1:29:43 (2nd M20-29)
Brent Roper (Topeka), 1:31:48 (1st M50-59)
Brian Daldorph (Lawrence), 1:48:19 (2nd M60-69)
All results
(photo by Jeff Dorsett)
Feb 13
Damon Mar and Dan Kuhlman ran the Los Lobos 6 Hr Challenge at Wyandotte Co. Lake Park completing 10 (Damon) and 8 (Dan) of the 3 mile laps. Keith Dowell was in the 3 Hour Challenge and completed 3 laps. It got muddier later in the day. (Mile 90 Photo of some other competitors)
Feb 9
Congrats to Josh Baden on his 3rd place overall at the DisneyWorld Marathon on Jan 8th. His time: 2:32:02. Kansas results
Feb 8
State of the (Trail Running) Union: Eight Takeaways From a New International Survey. . . According to a new study, the typical trail runner runs between three to four times per week, has a weekly training mileage of around 30 miles, owns five pairs of running shoes, and races four times per year. more
[by Brian Metzler, Trailrunner, Feb 9, 2023]
Feb 7
Here's a video on Fran Breslauer winning an award from the NYRR. She started running in Lawrence years ago and was active with runLawrence and the Mad Dogs.
RunLawrence officers were elected for 2023. Four are keeping their jobs while Molly Wood is the new president. Many thanks to Kara Baden for leading the club in 2022. Staying on are Matt O'Reilly (VP), Jackie Wilson (secretary), Gene Wee (treasurer) and Dee Boeck (Thanksgiving Day Run).
Feb 4
Congratulations to Matt O'Reilly on his 3:11:04 marathon placing 3rd in his age category and 21st overall. Nice weather in Celebration, FL on Jan 29.
Jan 28
In Memoriam: Former Lawrence runner Rex Lane passed away January 16th. He had worked as a deputy for the Douglas County Sheriffs and during that time was one of the best local runners. Most recently he has been the coach at Benedictine College in Atchison.
Tim Byers remembers. "He was a great mentor, friend and coach. He was instrumental in starting the NAIA Half Marathon qualifier in Atchison, KS. The race went through many names but several years ago we named it after the man that rode his bike and marked off every mile to make it happen. The Rex Lane Half Marathon. I'm gonna miss my friend." Ashley Turpin remembers no matter how cold it was Rex always wore an Hawaiian shirt.
Jan 20
To Keep Your Running Goals on Track, Run in a Group - My first experiences running were on my high school track team, but as an adult, I’ve become mostly a solo runner. . . (but) Runners who had group activities in January 2022 recorded 78 percent more active time than those who ran solo. more (by Jennie Coughlin, New York Times, Jan 14, 2023)
Jan 18
A report released by RunRepeat on December 10 --"The State of Trail Running 2022"--shows trail running and racing surging again after COVID doldrums. The report includes trail racing participation from 1984 to 2022. Trail racing inched gradually upwards in the early 2000s, and soared in the 2010s before cratering during the pandemic. more (Road Race Management & News, Jan 17, 2023)
(Gary Henry photo)
Jan 13
Scenes for the KU/KSU/WSU Track Meet at the indoor facility at Washburn University. Team results: KU 268, KSU 204, WSU 198. Results
Jan 8
Damon Mar finished the Bandera 100K (TX) in 17:35:29 - his first 100K finish. With Damon is Robert Gomez (Midland TX) who finished at the same time. Results
Jan 1
Happy New Year! Among the running events this morning was this large group at the Ad Astra Fun Run.