The May Meeting (Apr 30), 2006
runLawrence Meeting Minutes

Our May meeting was held in conjunction with our spring potluck at the country home of Greg Burger. As several club members had run the Trolley Run earlier in the morning and Greg himself had run an 18 miler, we opted to do away with the fun run and just get down to the eating!

There was a good attendance with a great array of healthy delicious foods to choose from.

Several club members have had some interesting running experiences in the past month and many have plans for half marathons, marathons, and even ultras in the near future. Molly talked about her recent Boston Marathon experience. Greg is trying to drum up more runners for a regular trail run and several members indicated interest and may show up for his trail run out at Clinton Lake. Ed is planning for an ultra in Leadville, CO. We are also scheduling a regular short distance, slow pace beginners regular weekly run - watch the website for details next week.

The treasurer reported a balance of $388.70.

There was a brief discussion on the Thanksgiving Day 5K and it was decided it would be left pretty much the same as it has been. Dee will contact the appropriate city official to get the ok to use the Visitor's Center as race headquarters again. Club members are to be on the lookout for sponsors, ideas for t-shirts, awards, possible volunteer groups such as scouts, students needing community service hours, etc.

Gene presented information regarding the availability, through RRCA, of a service allowing for on-line sign up for races as well as for club memberships. He will set that up for the club.

An ok was given to a club member who wishes to market a shirt of her own design. She will advertise her shirt on the club web site and will donate $1 to the club for each shirt sold.

Volunteer opportunities for club members were discussed including the upcoming Collegiate National Championship Bike races in May as well as the Lone Star Triathlon in July. See the club website for details on these events.

Submitted by,
Dee Boeck