Meeting Minutes, Mar 7, 2010
Lawrence Memorial Hospital
4:00 pm
Members present: Paul, Becky, Andy, Molly, Celeste, Dee, Don, Ellen and
Agenda items:
- Race updates: Dee and Becky reported on the Shamrock Shuffle. There were
413 finishers this year on the new course.
- Treasury report: the balance as of February 28th was $5,245.32.
- Thanksgiving Day Run: Dick Ross is available to take photographs of
our run for $100. After a brief discussion,
Molly moved, Paul seconded and the members approved securing his
services to take photographs. Gene was delegated to contact Mr. Ross.
- Dam Run: runLawrence will just be renting equipment for the run this year. The run is scheduled for March 27th and will be a 5K and 12K.
- Club Picnic: On May 15th, from 5:00 and 7:00 at the east
Centennial Park shelter house. The club will provide burgers, hot dogs,
buns, condiments and drinks. Members will bring a side dish. Family
members and persons who have an interest in the club are welcome to
attend. The cost for the shelter rental was $40. Members should e-mail Dee during the week prior
regarding numbers so plans for food purchase can be solidified.
- Brew-to-Brew: Heather and Brenda have organized a team. Dee, Celeste and Karen
H. have volunteered to assist at exchange #9. Dee said a KU fraternity
has volunteered helpers as well. At
this exchange, drivers dropping off a runner must pick up a runner (not
necessarily one on their team), and then continue into town. This plan
should reduce traffic congestion and increase safety.
- Finish line equipment rental: Becky distributed copies of our club
policy. The Jayhawk Jog race director has requested the use of the
club's equipment.
- Future runs: Andy announced the June 19th Baldwin 5K in conjunction
with their "Trains, Planes and Automobiles" celebration. The 5K will
benefit the Baldwin running club. Paul provided Horsethief 5K flyers
for the run in Eudora July 10th. Art students at Eudora High are
designing the rewards. The run benefits the Eudora High School Cross
Country Team and local community programs. Dee and Becky will run in
Manhattan's St. Patrick's Day 10K March 13th. The club will assist
with the Hilltop Hustle April 24th. March 27th is "Rock the Parkway" in
Kansas City. There will be a campus 5K May 1 in honor of Bob Frederick.
The Topeka 10 Miler is Sat. April 3rd. A group of people are organizing
a Mass Street Mile run in conjunction with the July 4th bike races.
- The meeting adjourned.
Lori Cackler