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Farmstead 5K Run, August 10, 2013. The Merc Run.
    Farmstead 5K (Aug 10); ;the Merc Run.

Meeting Minutes, Sun, August 4, 2013

The August, 2013 club meeting also served as our annual bar-be-cue social.  We had over 30 club members, family and guests present.  Everyone was asked to give their name and indicate how or why they were connected with the club.

A short business meeting was held.  Treasurer's report showed a club balance of $10,141.87.

Dee mentioned several by-law updates and RRCA recommended policies which the club should adopt.  The board will meet and make the necessary by-law updates.  It is recommended that the club have a policy regarding registered sex offenders.  After some discussion, it was moved by Don and seconded by Dee that no registered sex offenders will be allowed to be involved with our youth running project, but that there would not be a ban on club membership.

Updates were given on preparations for the Thanksgiving Day 5K  Most sponsors have been confirmed; the city permit has been obtained; EMT service has been reserved; the announcer has been hired; the school has been reserved; running mittens have been ordered and food donations arranged.  A local artist is making the awards and Gene is working on getting on-line registration up and running.  We will also print some flyers.  All members are asked to try to volunteer in some capacity.  There are things to do in the days leading up to the event for those who will be gone on Thanksgiving day.  We will again ask the Woodlawn art teacher to ask her students to design the volunteer t-shirt.  Dee will meet with the PTO who will again be in charge of the youth fun run and Elizabeth indicated she would try to find someone to donate the fun run awards.

Dan Kuhlman could not be at the picnic, but he had forwarded information to the effect that there are 11 youth signed up so far for the youth running project which will start practices on August 19.  Dan has done a wonderful job of getting this program going and there appears to be great interest in it.  Any club member who would like to assist with working with the young runners should contact Dan.

The meeting was adjourned.

We then enjoyed the delicious bar-be-cue provided by the club along with a large assortment of side dishes and desserts provided by the attendees.

It was especially gratifying this year to see the large number of young families present.  There were several young children enjoying each other's company and this bodes well for the future of the club.

Submitted by,
Dee Boeck
