Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, July 2, 2017
(approved Sept 10, 2017)
Present: Brenda Groskinsky, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck, Becky McClure, Don and Lori Cackler, Dan Kuhlman, Ann Carlin Ozegovic, Elizabeth Burger, and Karen Hyde
Brenda called the meeting to order.
We reviewed the minutes from the June meeting. Dee moved to accept the minutes; Don seconded, and all approved.
Gene gave the treasurer’s report. As of July 1, 2017, the club had a balance of $14,827.70. The club received $456.25 and had $110.00 in expenditures. A full treasurer’s report can be seen on the runLawrence website in the “About Us” section.
We briefly reviewed the Strategic Plan. Becky moved to approve the plan; Elizabeth and Don simultaneously seconded, and all approved. The Strategic Plan is meant to serve for five years. A copy of the ratified plan can be found on the runLawrence website in the “About Us” section.
Brenda mentioned that the next step is to review the Road Map and decide how we want to achieve the various objectives that we’ve designated. A copy of the Road Map can be seen on the runLawrence website in the “About Us” section.
Ann asked whether one of our partners could possibly provide volunteers to lead a warm up before the T-Day race. Becky said that she will check to see if LMH might want to provide the warm up and/or set up a health booth in the gym to offer some tests to participants, i.e. blood pressure and glucose tests.
We had some discussion about objective #2 on the Road Map which involves reaching out to the clubs partners. Brenda suggested that we select a club member to serve as liaison with each specific partner and that we determine the nature of the relationship with the partner up front and post it on the website. We’ll be talking more about this process at future meetings.
Dee gave the T-Day Run report. She has sent out all of the sponsorship letters to past sponsors and has received nine confirmations. Race participants will receive long-sleeved, performance shirts made by Happy Shirt. VanGo will again make the awards. Becky is trying to line up a singer to do the Star Spangled Banner. Brenda reminded Gene and Dee that we need to purchase the license for the music that the DJ will play.
We discussed plans for the annual club picnic. We will meet at the Depot from 4:30 to 6:30 unless otherwise informed. Dee will order food from Mr. Bacon, and club members will be asked to bring a side dish or a dessert (more details later about which to bring). Elizabeth suggested partnering with Ad Astra and having the potluck after going for a run. There seemed to be a general consensus that, although the idea is a great one, the unknown factors such as number of participants might complicate the planning of the event. Brenda then suggested that we invite the club's partners and/or sponsors. All agreed that this would be a good show of appreciation and a good chance to do some good public relations work. We did specify that each partner or sponsor should send only one or two representatives and that partners/sponsors should not be asked to bring a dish.
Under old business, Elizabeth asked for the boards’ and members’ thoughts concerning the marathon club process. Dee asked to have a representative from USD come to a club meeting to explain the district’s preference for our writing one check to USD497 rather that writing separate checks to each marathon club or beneficiary. Elizabeth said that she will reach out to Denise Johnson to come to the September club meeting in order to clarify the district’s stance. (The September meeting will be the 2nd Sunday in order to avoid conflicts with Labor Day weekend plans.) Club members present also expressed a desire to return to having runLawrence hold its own awards program in order to deliver the checks to the beneficiaries.
The next club meeting will be the potluck at the Depot on Sunday, Aug. 6th from 4:30 to 6:30 (unless otherwise informed). There will not be a formal business meeting at this function.
Submitted by Karen Hyde