Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, June 11, 2017
(approved July 2, 2017)
4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library
Present: Brenda Groskinsky, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck, Becky McClure, Don and Lori Cackler, Molly Wood, Celeste Leonardi, and Karen Hyde.
Brenda called the meeting to order.
We reviewed the minutes from the May meeting. Dee moved to accept the minutes; Don seconded, and all approved.
Gene gave the treasurer’s report. As of June 9th, the club had a balance of $14,481.45. Checks were processed by four T-Day run beneficiaries for $550.00 each, and the club reimbursed Brenda $1,392.05 for travel and registration expenses for her trip to the RRCA convention. The club received $56.25 from equipment rental fees. So far in June, two checks have been written totaling $110.00 for T-Day expenses. A full treasurer’s report can be seen on the runLawrence website in the “About us” section.
Brenda gave an update on the ongoing Strategic Plan process. She reminded us of how we began the process with the collaborative session last August and of the steps we’ve taken so far. She shared the latest draft of the written document for the Strategic Plan which is designed to be in place for five years unless the club decides to change direction within that time span. We made some changes to the wording in the paragraph about the club’s history. We decided to include the names of the clubs founders: Dee Boeck, Ed Payne and Greg Burger. Brenda stated that one benefit of having the strategic plan document is that outsiders can see it and identify our objectives.
The new draft of the strategic plan can be found on the runLawrence website in the section “About us”. All club members are encouraged to read it and provide feedback if desired. We intend to ratify the plan at the July 2nd meeting.
Brenda next talked about the road map of objectives that we’ll establish in order to reach our goals once our strategic plan is in place. A draft copy of the road map is also available on the runLawrence website in the “About us” section. Ultimately, we will also establish an annual budget to ensure that we can meet our objectives each year.