Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, November 5, 2017
(approved Dec 3, 2017)
4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library, room A
Present: Brenda Groskinsky, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck, John Huchingson, Don and Lori Cackler, Becky McClure, Molly Wood, Celeste Leonardi, and Karen Hyde
Brenda called the meeting to order.
We reviewed the minutes from the October meeting. Dee moved to accept the minutes as written; Molly seconded, and all approved.
Gene gave the treasurer’s report. Since the last meeting, the club has received a total of $3,114.25 in Tday race entry fees and equipment rental. Total expenditures were $690.41 for race expenses. The balance as of Nov. 5 is $17,547.59. A full treasurer’s report can be seen on the runLawrence website in the “About Us” section.
Dee gave the T-day race update. She passed around examples of the unique, wooden, age-group and overall awards that were created by VanGough. We will have a work session at Dee’s house to put ribbon and stickers on the awards. (Time and date TBA but most likely Sunday, November 12.) Recently, Dee attended two PTO meetings at Woodlawn Elementary School to ensure that they are ready to handle the fun run. Children in the fun run will receive a finisher’s medal. Dee has confirmed with Jeanne Fridell that the school will be available to us from 6:00 to 8:00 on Wed. evening (11/22) and on Thursday morning beginning at 5:45 am. She has double-checked with all of the food, water, coffee and chocolate milk sponsors that their donations will be forthcoming. Dee mentioned that we will need boxes for storing the shirts for packet pick-up. Gene will order the shirts on Monday, 11/6. He reiterated that we need to insure that all pre-registered participants receive the shirt size that they ordered. As of 11/5, there were 370 entries.