Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, September 10, 2017
(approved Oct 1, 2017)
4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library
Present: Brenda Groskinsky, Gene Wee, Becky McClure, Don and Lori Cackler, John Huchingson, Molly Wood, Dan Kuhlman, John Frydman, Karen Hyde and Lexi Brady.
Brenda called the meeting to order.
We reviewed the minutes from the July meeting. John H. moved to accept the minutes; Molly seconded, and all approved.
Gene gave the treasurer’s report. The end of July balance was $14,679.83, and the month end balance for August was $15,123.75. A full treasurer’s report can be seen on the runLawrence website in the “About Us” section.
Brenda proposed that we use the following process for the action to be taken at the current meeting concerning the adaptation of the bylaws: she would read the bylaws, and members present would hold questions but take notes over whether to make minor or major changes. She proposed that we would vote on the bylaws as presented. If the members present wanted to make minor changes, we could make them immediately with a majority vote of the board (as specified in the new by-laws), or members could send minor changes (i.e. spelling, grammar) to Brenda via email.
Molly moved to accept the proposal; Gene seconded, and all approved.
Brenda then read the most current copy of the bylaws.
Becky moved to vote to accept the bylaws as they were read. Molly seconded, and all approved.
Molly moved to adopt the bylaws as read. Don and Becky moved to accept the motion, and all approved.
Brenda encouraged us to read the bylaws again and to send her any spelling or grammatical corrections. Molly said that she would send proposed spelling and grammatical changes to Brenda.