Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, July 1, 2018

(Approved, Aug 8, 2018)

Present:  Brenda Groskinsky, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck, Becky McClure, Celeste Leonardi, John and Janet Huchingson, Don and Lori Cackler, Dan Kulman, Karen Hyde.

Dee moved to accept the minutes from the June meeting as written; Celeste seconded, and all approved.

Gene gave the treasurer’s report.  At the end of June, the club had a balance of $9,568.52.  Gene noted that we received a $500.00 donation from Lawrence Dental Solutions, a new race sponsor.  A full treasurer’s report can be found on the runLawrence website in the “About us” section.

The board voted to approve awarding the Outstanding Club Member Award for 2018 to Elizabeth Burger.  In addition, the board approved extending recognition of outstanding service to the running community to Denise Johnson for her involvement with the Marathon Clubs in USD497.  Each will receive a $50 Downtown Lawrence gift certificate.  Brenda suggested that we present both honors at the beginning of the club picnic in August.  The two awards have different titles because Denise is not currently a runLawrence member. Brenda will send special invitations to both Elizabeth and Denise that explain that the club intends to honor them at the picnic.

Dee reported that she met with Denise Johnson, Wellness Coordinator for USD497, concerning the Healthy Kids Running Series.  Denise assured her that runLawrence is already making a significant positive impact on the Marathon Clubs in USD497 schools through our donations and that there is not a need to add the HKRS program at this time.  A representative from Kennedy Elementary School reiterated Denise’s comments.  Dee discovered that there are currently two youth track clubs in Lawrence, the Tim Beyers Track Club and the Mini Mocs Track Club. 





Dee met with Al Gipp, the director of the Mini Mocs.  His club currently serves approximately 40 children aged 3 through 5th or 6th grade allowing them to participate in track and field events in Lawrence and elsewhere.  Al and his wife fund the program themselves.  Dee suggested that we investigate whether Mini Mocs can become affiliated with runLawrence and thereby obtain insurance through RRCA.  Brenda will investigate possibilities.

Gene mentioned that Mini Mocs Track Club is hosting a track and field competition on Tues., July 17th with the Tim Byers TCB Track Club.  (TCB Track Club is another youth track club in Lawrence.)  The clubs would welcome volunteers to help in the evening of the event.

The annual club picnic will be August 5th at 4:30 at the Lawrence Visitor’s Center.  Members whose last names end in A-I are asked to bring a salad or side vegetable, and those names end in J-Z are asked to bring a dessert.  Meat, buns and beverages will be provided.  (beverages by Don and Lori, and Janet and John)  Gene will send out invitations to members.

Dee mentioned that she is trying to get Sigler Pharmacy to commit to being a race sponsor.

The September club meeting will be Sunday, Sept. 9th at 4:30 pm in the Lawrence Public Library unless otherwise advised.

Karen moved to adjourn; Celeste seconded, and all approved.

Submitted by Karen Hyde.