Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, November 4, 2018

(approved Dec 2, 2018)

4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library

Present:  Dee Boeck, Gene Wee, Brenda Groskinsky, Becky McClure, Molly Wood, Celeste Leonardi, John Huchingson, Don and Lori Cackler, and Karen Hyde

Brenda called the meeting to order.

We reviewed the October minutes.  Molly moved to accept the minutes as written; Celeste seconded, and all approved.

Gene gave the treasurer’s report.  The balance at the end of October was $11,557.88.  For a full treasurer’s report go to the runLawrence website and see the “About Us” section.

Dee gave the T-day race update.  She said that she will attend the Woodlawn PTO meeting on Wednesday to make sure that they are ready for the children’s fun run. She met with Charly Upton, the announcer, to make sure that he is prepared. Dee showed an example of one of the awards prepared by VanGogh and fitted with a satin ribbon.  She has been in touch with all of the sponsors to either pick up or make arrangements for the retrieval of the gift certificates or gift card that will be used in the raffle for the volunteers. So far approximately 300 people have signed up to run the race which, according to Gene, is on target with last year’s numbers. The gloves have been shipped and will be printed with our club logo by Happy Shirts after arrival. Volunteer shirts have been ordered.

Gene said that we still need 13 more people to be course marshals. Karen said that she will solicit help from Lawrence High School National Honor Society students. 

Dee asked about the coolers and paper cups that we had at the start line last year.  No one could remember who had brought them, so the Cacklers and Becky volunteered to bring one each. The consensus of the group was to put the water for before and after the race in the parking lot of the school.  Dee mentioned that we need to make sure that the chocolate milk is set out.



Karen mentioned that we need to publicize that we have been using a portion of the proceeds from the race to donate to the marathon clubs and other groups that fit with our mission statement. Brenda volunteered to make a poster that we can display at packet pickup. 

We discussed how to hand out the special RRCA Championship awards. Brenda is in charge of the RRCA awards, and Cristal is in charge of the runLawrence awards.  We decided that Brenda and Chrystal will work out the procedure.

Brenda reported that her accountant said that we don’t have to pay unrelated business income tax because all of our profits support the goals in our mission statement. We will talk more about sales and income tax in January.

Elizabeth sent word that she has received three applications from marathon clubs.  This year the applications will be due by Dec. 21.

Brenda proposed that as a mechanism to boost active club membership we should prepare an application form for members to apply to attend the RRCA convention at the club’s expense. Board members would then vote to approve applicants.

Brenda also mentioned that she would like the club to have a written budget for fiscal year 2019.  She volunteered to prepare a sample budget. 

Brenda also mentioned that she would like to offer a runner safety session locally prior to presenting the material at the RRCA convention this year.  A date will be set later.

The next meeting will be December 2 at 4:30 at the Lawrence Public Library.

We adjourned the meeting unanimously.

Submitted by Karen Hyde