Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, Feb 9, 2020

(approved March 1, 2020)

4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library

Present:  Brenda Groskinsky, John Huchingson, Janet Huchingson, Matt O’Reilly, Kara Baden, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck

The January meeting minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Gene gave the treasurer's report listing various income and expense items.  The club balance is currently $31,273.75.  Dee moved to accept the report and Brenda seconded.  Unanimously approved.

Brenda passed around copies of the Strategic Plan which the club adopted two years ago and also a copy of the club Bylaws which are valid for three years yet.

Allocating proceeds from the Thanksgiving Day 5K was next on the agenda.  The Board had met a few days ago and reviewed a plan presented by the Treasurer.  With input from the USD 497 Assistant Director for PE & Wellness, Denise Johnson,  and Elizabeth Burger it was agreed that funds would be provided to USD 497 to pay for the StrideTrack software which the marathon clubs use to track the students' miles.  Denise indicated this comes to $3,128 for a two year period.  We will also donate $330 to each Lawrence elementary school marathon club to use at their discretion.  The four non-USD youth running related programs, the Mini-Mocs, Eudora Elementary School, Eudora Middle School XC, and the CASA Shepherd Shoe Fund will each receive $550.00.  Woodlawn Elementary School will receive $3,000.00 as the host school and $200.00 will be allocated to the RRCA's Kids Run the Nation program.   This adds up to a total of $13,100.00.  The proposal was unanimously approved by those present and checks will go out this week.




The next item on the agenda was election of officers; however, we lacked a quorum and thus had to postpone this matter until next month's meeting.  Those present indicated they would make efforts to increase the attendance at that meeting.  We do have interest from at least two new persons to run for office with at least one current officer indicating a willingness to serve again.  

Brenda indicated that, as the state RRCA representative, she will be attending the national RRCA convention in Portland, Oregon in March.  The club will support the attendance of at least one other club member to and anyone interested is asked to fill out an application, available on line on our website, and submit it ASAP.  Brenda indicated that this year she served on the nominating board for the RRCA national officers, which will be voted on at the convention.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30.

Submitted by Acting Secretary, Dee Boeck.