Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, July 5, 2020

(approved August 2, 2020)

4:00 p.m. at South Park with social distancing measures

Present: Molly Wood, Becky McClure, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck, John Hutchinson, Lori Cackler, Don Cackler, Dick Lipsey, Karen Hyde, Brenda Groskinsky, Kara Baden

The June minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Gene started the meeting with a treasury update that nothing has changed since last month. Current balance of the club is $18,148.25.

Brenda presented the club with new guidelines from RRCA about events during COVID-19. RRCA does provide club liability insurance coverage for COVID-19. If we host an event and someone does get the coronavirus, they must prove they got it at our race and insurance will pay for it. They have also updated their insurance coverage to include virtual races. RRCA has also created a waiver to use for COVID-19 if we decide to host a race.

Brenda also brought up the RRCA Cyber Liability Policy considering what happened last month. Last month, someone decided to create fake email accounts using board member’s names and started sending out emails. Brenda has reported it to Google but has not heard back. Since then, Gene has taken emails off the website. The Cyber Liability Policy is more about coverage in case someone decided to ransom our website, which has been happening to other clubs with RRCA. It would cost $270 per year for the coverage and we would have to fill out an application.

The club went on to discuss what to do about the Thanksgiving Day 5K. Currently, the Kansas Half Marathon is now cancelled, and Sunflower Games has cancelled their track meet, the 5K, and the 10K. We discussed a lot of the challenges that we would have to put on the race; like spreading people out, doing a staggered start, port-a-potty disinfecting, physical distance, and the unknown on how bad the coronavirus will be in November.




Our donation to the schools has covered the cost of the software they use for Marathon Club this year. Gene has emailed all the teachers that are in the Marathon Clubs and one has responded saying they plan to do it virtually this year. After some discussion, John motioned that we postpone the Thanksgiving Day 5K until next year, it was seconded and passed unanimously. Following that, Dee motioned that we not do a virtual race. It was also seconded and passed unanimously. Dee will reach out to sponsors to let them know our decision and thank them for their past donations. Instead of having a race this year, we may ask people if they would like to donate money for the Marathon Clubs and send them swag for their donation.

Gene brought up a race idea for those who would like to set Kansas state records and get on the honor roll. It would be a couple of races like the 2 mile, the 8K, and 12K, that people could participate in. The idea would be to charge a fee to cover expenses but do it on the levee or bike path where it is a fast course for people. We would have under 50 people for this event. Date TBD.

In August we usually nominate a member to recognize for their work with the club. Please submit a paragraph of a member that you would like to nominate to Brenda and a paragraph on why you are nominating this person.

Usually at our August meeting the club hosts its annual potluck but decided that we will wait until it is a little cooler to do something. The next club meeting will be at 4 p.m. on Sunday, August 2 at South Park again.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:09 p.m.

Submitted by current Secretary Kara Baden