Course: Two courses offered - Kansas Champs and beginners . Course setter: Fritz Menninger Map: by Michael Eglinski: sprint standard, field checked 2009. Registration: Print out the entry form (no on-line registration) and mail to Register at least 2 days before so we can get your map ready. Check-in on race day (Dec 12):
Awards to the top three males & females in three categories: Entry fee: $8(per map). $10 on Dec 12. 17 & under: $5 ($8 on Dec 12) Event day check-in: KU Endowment Association parking lot; 1891 Constant Avenue (building closed, restrooms at the Burge Union, down the hill on Irving Hill Rd). Map to event site.
More info & registrations to: Gene Wee, Orienteer Kansas, 2223 Westchester, Lawrence, KS 66049