Results: Mass Street Milers
Urban O
Thur, Jan 25, 2015 - Lawrence KS

Paul Clatterbuck counting steps at the Turnhalle.Stephanie Frankowski  climbing the Turnhalle steps.

Photos: two ways to count the number of steps at the Turnhalle control. Paul Clatterbuck points and Stephanie Frankowski climbs the steps. The urban orienteering spiced up the weekly Mass Street Milers workouts which is hosted by the Garry Gribble's RUnning Sports store.

First Name Last Name Score
Alex Beecher 570
Clint D. 570
Michael Eglinski 570
Cordairo Hansen 570
Matt O'Reilly 570
Paul Clatterbuck 540
Marvin Nuss 540
Fritz Menninger 510
Dick Neuburger 470
Matt Quijas 460
Valerie Woodhead 430
Teresa Mock 390
Kathy Sanders 390
Jason Peters 330
Vanessa West & Josslyn Peters 330
Team Steph 330
Kendra Kuhlman 270
Team Gwen 170

Gene Wee, course setter (Orienteer Kansas)

(below): Matt O'Reilly, Alex Beecher and Cordairo Hansen were among the fastest finding all the control points. They are shown approaching the finish on Rhode Island Street.