Joe Moore

Introduction - explains how the records are organized, as well as other aspects of the data.

Joe Moore. Dee Boeck. Sheryl Drevo. Chris Melgares. Don Turner. Barbara Holzman.

The State of the State's Running, 2020

The most important number in 2020 wasn’t the number of state records or additions to the Kansas Honor Roll, it was the number “19,” as in Covid-19.

The year began with 58 scheduled 5K races on certified courses around the state and 87 scheduled races at all other distances combined.

By March, the race schedule was out the window, with the Wichita Brewing Company marathon and relay the only planned event that was held that month.

A few more races were held over the course of the year, but for the most part the racing schedule was shut down until the fall.

Only five of the 58 scheduled 5Ks were held and only 17 of the scheduled 87 races at other distances. The state’s two most venerable events were among those that fell by the wayside: the Lake Atwood 10-mile, after 48 consecutive runnings, and the Wichita Turkey Trot 10-mile after 34 years.

Three new races were added in 2020.

RunLawrence sponsored a socially distanced 8K in October and a similar 12K in November, both of which featured a limited field, staggered starts based on predicted time, and masks except for runners on the course. These were intended to give runners an opportunity to qualify for the state Honor Roll at standard, but rarely run, distances.
In addition, an invitation-only 50K was added to the Little Apple Marathon.

Dick Lipsey


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