Recent Results

Oct 13 Ad Astra Billy Mills 10K, XC, Lawrence
Oct 13 Frontier Freedom 5K/10K, Ft Leavenworth
Oct 12 Billy Mills Classic, XC, Lawrence
Oct 12 Free State Trail Run, Meriden
Oct 6 Rock Chalk 5K, Overland Park
Oct 5 Little Apple Marathon, HM, 5K, Manhattan
Oct 5 Race Against Breast Cancer 5K, Topeka
Oct 5 Shoreline Shuffle 5K/10K, Clinton SP
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Oct 15

Congratulations to these local area runners completing the Army 10 Mile in Washington, DC on Oct 13..

Brian Schwanz (Lawrence) 1:21:35
Timothy Cooper (Lawrence) 1:47:39
Angie Hagen (Lawrence) 1:55:20
Kristina Selters (Lawrence) 2:06:12
Angelique Margve (Basehor) 2:23:37
Matthew Spoula (Baldwin City) 2:44:13
Greg Kampschroeder (Lawrence) 2:44:59

Oct 12

Scene from the Billy Mills Classic cross countries races for college and high school athletes. Results

24Oct12 Billy Mills Classic

Oct 5

A few photos from the Shoreline Shuffle this morning. Proceeds from the run go to Monarch Watch in memory Trail Hawk member, Sarah Schmidt. A monarch butterfly did fly by just before the start.

2024 Oct 5 Shortline Shuffle

Sep 21

The 2nd Annual Douglas County Young Life 5K was held at the Haskell Indian Nations Univeristy cross country course todday. Rain stopped enough to hold the event. Scenes from today; double click to enlarge photos.

24Sep21 Young Life


Sep 14

Medal winners at the Kansas Senior Games 5K standing in front of the Brown vs Broad mural in Topeka. Traditonally attendance has been small at this event, so everyone who finished qualified for the National Senior Games next year in Des Moines.

(photo courtesy of Rob Hays, race director)

Aug 31

Cross country racing began this morning at Rim Rock Farm with the Bob Timmons Classic. More teams competed that last year including McDaniel College from Maryland.

24Aug31 Bob Timmons Classic


Aug 21

24Aug21 Defend Lawrence Run

Scenes for the Defend Lawrence ! Run at 5:05 am this morning.

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Coming Events

Sa, Oct 19, 8 am
Maple Leaf Festival 5K,
Baldwin City, course not certified

Sa, Oct 26, 9:30 am
Prairie Moon Pumpkin Run 5K
Lawrence, course not certified

Sa, Oct 26, 6 am+
Kansas Rails-to-Trails Extravaganza
Ottawa, USATF certified courses
& 5M uncertified course

Sa, Nov 2, 7 am+
Sander's Saunter, 10K/25/50K
Clinton SP

Su, Nov 3, 7 am+
Kansas Half Marathon & 5K
Lawrence, USATF certified courses

Su, Nov 3, 4 pm
runLawrence Club Meeting
Sunflower Outdoor & Bike, 3rd floor

Sa, Nov 10, 9 am
KU Vets Day 5K
Lawrence, course not certified

more events

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